Sunday, January 30, 2011 | By: Rikku Shaolee

About today~

Ah....about today.....actually maybe this post a diary, maybe, just maybe, because i only want to post what's on my mind now because of some tweets on twitter..i gave myself a nickname, TWEETSTALKER. LOL nevermind that nickname and just forget it~ its just my craziness to gave myself that nickname because....well....sometimes my activity in is just reading my friends tweets and....tweeting something that mention them, even though i'm not mention them in twitter style (ex: blablabla @blabla) ok, what kind of example is that lol.

oh yeah i almost forgot about what i'm seeing on twitter a few hours ago. it seems that in local tv channel, there's an interview with a BB Indonesian called SM*SH coughthatiwouldcallthemaplagiarimswithkoreancough

Okay~ aside from thestrikewords, i saw that the MC of the show looks like, say something that...maybe, make fun of bb/gb korean and compared to bb/gb korean. Well, imo, bb/gb korean is a way better than sm*sh.

well, that's only IMO anyway. don't take it seriusly okay if you're a SM*SH fan because that's only IMO. I'm neutral actually~ but i'm not sm*sh fan because even though i'm indonesian, for some reason i a little didn't like indonesian music >> not a good indonesian people. But i only a little didn't like the music (and the politics of course).

Now, enough about that-topic-above, right now i'm reading a manga called Fairy Tail chapter 206 that chapter, page 3, made me laugh because THERE'S AN ARMY OF NATSUS LOL! okay okay stop now~

Hmm.....talking about manga, does anyone know when Pandora Heart update the next chapter (in online sites)? i'm curios about what'll happen with Oz, Alice, Leo, and Elliot ;A;


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